

About Thank you for using ZMediumToJekyll, this tool is powered by ZMediumToMarkdown, that is also create by ZhgChgLi. This tool can help you move your Medium posts to a Jekyll blog and keep them...

Dear Myself

Dear Myself Dear Maya , I stumbled on this movie while randomly scrolling, with a few expectations. It is really an engrossing movie, based on the life of Maya Devi, a lonely and old woman who ha...

Think, Stick and just go

Think, Stick and just go I just finished watching the Skater Girl movie and have penned down my thoughts. First of all, it’s really an inspiring movie. It focuses on the story of a poor village g...

Man’s search for meaning is an autobiography of Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankyl.

Man’s search for meaning Man’s search for meaning is an autobiography of Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankyl . He wrote the book within nine consecutive days, with the firm intention of publishing i...

Find the majority element using the Boyer–Moore algorithm

Find the majority element using the Boyer–Moore algorithm If you are here, chances are you are trying to solve the “ Find majority element in an array ” problem and came across the term Boyer-Moor...

Give wings to your dream

Give wings to your dream Today, I am going to share my thoughts and experience related to Gate Preparation, hoping that it will be beneficial for those who are preparing for the same and chasing t...